A clip from our episode "Science in the Commercial Space Age: Live from UATX's SOMA Inaugural Summit" #Space #SpaceScience #ZeroGravity #SpaceExploration
A clip from our episode "Science in the Commercial Space Age - Live from UATX's SOMA Inaugural Summit" #SpaceScience #PlantScience #SpaceResearch #ZeroGravity #SpaceDiscovery
This past November, the University of Austin hosted their Inaugural SOMA Summit to explore the amazing transformation in space right now, especially how the commercial space era is decentralizing access. I had the privilege to moderate a fascinating panel titled "Science in the Commercial Space Age" featuring Chris Sembroski from…
A clip from our episode "Science in the Commercial Space Age: Live from UATX's Inaugural SOMA Summit" #Space #Rockets #SpaceX #BlueOrigin #Starship #SpaceExploration #FutureOfSpace
A clip from our episode "Why Gauntlet AI Chose Austin to Build the Next Wave of AI Engineers with Austen Allred" #AI #AIEngineering #ProductDevelopment #Innovation #TechStartups
A clip from our episode "Why Gauntlet AI Chose Austin to Build the Next Wave of AI Engineers with Austen Allred" #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AIEngineering #TechInnovation #ProductDevelopment #Innovation
A clip from our episode "Why Gauntlet AI Chose Austin to Build the Next Wave of AI Engineers with Austen Allred" #AIEngineering #TechEducation #Coding #SoftwareEngineering #TechTalent #EdTech #Engineering
AI is becoming the biggest force multiplier for human talent in history. Austen Allred shares how Gauntlet AI is reimagining engineering education for this new reality and why Austin's is the perfect place to build this ambitious program. This is was quick turnaround episode as Gauntlet AI applications close January…
A clip from our episode "Understanding Agora and Humanity's Future with Byron Reese and Brett Hurt" #AI #ScientificRevolution #LLM #TechInnovation #FutureOfAI #DigitalTransformation
In this thought-provoking episode, we are joined by Byron Reese, author of 'We are Agora,' and Brett Hurt, serial entrepreneur, to explore the intersections of superorganisms, technology, and human potential. The ideas presented in Byron's book, serve as a springboard to discuss how evolving technologies shape our future and the…
A clip from our episode "From Building 3D-Printed Houses to Funding Critical Tech with Evan Loomis, Partner at Overmatch Ventures" #Infrastructure #Innovation #Texas #Construction #MegaProjects #Engineering #Manufacturing #AmericanInnovation
Evan Loomis, partner at Overmatch Ventures and co-founder of ICON, exemplifies Austin's entrepreneurial spirit in tackling audacious challenges. From revolutionizing construction to investing in frontier technologies, Evan shares his journey through Austin's rapidly evolving tech landscape and why now is the moment for critical tech. We don't shy away from…
A clip from our episode "What is the Gundo?" #VentureCapital #Startups #SpaceX #Snapchat #Anduril #ServiceTitan #TechHub
What makes innovation ecosystems thrive and can the learnings of one hub be applied to another? Today I am joined by Isaiah Taylor, a founder building in the Gundo, and John Coogan, who has done his own deep dive on the hub, to discuss all things Gundo. We explore its…
A clip from our episode "Pattern Breakers with Mike Maples Jr., Founding Partner at Floodgate" #Entrepreneurship #VentureCapital #Founder #PatternBreakers #MikeMaplesJR #StartupStories
Promising startups often fail despite following best practices, while rule-breakers and those running through chaos can achieve massive success. Why? Mike Maples Jr, Founding Partner at Floodgate, tackles this paradox in his book "Pattern Breakers." We discuss his Inflection Theory, why some pivots work and others don't, unexpected inspirations like…
A clip from our episode "Rise of the Meta City with Richard Florida" #TechHubs #Innovation #Business #FutureOfWork #Startup #RemoteWork #RichardFlorida
How we live, work, and innovate is changing, transforming not only our interactions within cities but also how regions interact with each other. In this episode, we welcome back Richard Florida to explore his concept of the Meta City. We discuss and dissect how the physical and digital relationships between…
From our episode "From DNA to Deep Space with Eliah Overbey, Professor at @uaustinorg"
From our episode "From DNA to Deep Space with Eliah Overbey, Professor at @uaustinorg"
Space is becoming our next great innovation frontier as we move from 700 astronauts spending days or months to tens of thousands spending years. What does that do to the human body? What does it mean for our species? Eliah Overbey, Assistant Professor of Bioastronautics at the University of Austin,…
From our episode "From DNA to Deep Space with Eliah Overbey, Professor at @uaustinorg"
A clip from our episode "The Skills and Learning Revolution in the New Tech World with Rob Rosenthal, CRO at Udemy"
A clip from our episode "The Skills and Learning Revolution in the New Tech World with Rob Rosenthal, CRO at Udemy"